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About Evan

My name is Evan MacKay. I’m a union leader, pro-democracy organizer, and a Harvard teaching fellow.


My life has been molded by my family. My mother in public education and my father in healthcare passed on the value of public service. Growing up, my family welcomed over a hundred children in the foster care system into our home. This opened my eyes to the school-to-prison pipeline and housing instability and continually grounds my advocacy for system-level change. 


As many have, I moved to Cambridge for school, where I received both my Bachelors in Sociology and Masters in Statistics from Harvard. I fell deeply in love with Cambridge's inclusive and vibrant community, so I came back to pursue my JD-PhD in sociology and social policy while teaching undergraduates. My research has led me to delve into the need for tax reform, the brokenness of our criminal legal system, and the purposely obscure halls of the Statehouse. 


From my experience in community organizing, I realized the importance of being involved in my union, the HGSU-UAW. I’ve proudly worked shoulder-to-shoulder with my union siblings to secure the fair wages and safe working conditions every worker needs. Throughout our struggle for a fair workplace, I learned about the UAW’s anti-democratic corruption scandal and overall lack of accountability. I organized alongside the reform caucus of my union, Unite All Workers for Democracy (UAWD), to truly put workers in charge. Together, we successfully took on an entrenched establishment against “impossible” odds. I then took the step of running for leadership in my own union and proudly served as the President of my local representing over 5,000 workers predominantly in Cambridge, where we organize for raises to keep up with inflation and the cost of rent, workplaces free of harassment and discrimination, and the transformation of the status quo of higher education. Just as I fought for a more democratic union, I have fought for and will continue to fight for a more democratic and transparent state government. 


I am running for State Representative in the 25th Middlesex District because Cambridge deserves someone that will reflect our community’s progressive values and advocate for what we really need: affordable housing, progressive taxation, strong jobs, and a transparent & accountable government.



Housing is a human right, but it is incredibly unaffordable in Cambridge and in Massachusetts. We need rent stabilization, tenant rights, protections from displacement, and more housing, especially affordable housing. 


Progressive Taxation

Working class people are more tax burdened than the richest people in our state. We need to build on the Fair Share Amendment and repeal the 2023 tax cuts to the rich in order to fund our communities. Close tax loopholes and close the racial wealth gap. 


Our for-profit system of healthcare leaves patients, workers, and communities behind. We need universal healthcare. Protect healthcare under attack, especially abortion and comprehensive reproductive care.

Good Government & Transparency

Our state house is dysfunctional. We can't see how our representatives vote, and we have no way of holding them accountable. This empowers Republicans and materially harms all of us. As a democratic socialist, I believe in government by the people, for the people.  Transparency in our state house is the place to start.



We all deserve world class public education. Massachusetts needs universal childcare to support our children and families and job stability and unions for workers in the care economy. Fund our schools so that educators can afford to live in the communities where they teach. Secure debt free higher education and invest in our public colleges and universities.

Gender Justice &

Queer Liberation

Queer and trans rights are under attack nationwide - Massachusetts must do more to be a refuge for LGBTQ+ people and our allies in healthcare, social welfare, and civic society spaces. As a queer and genderqueer person (they/them/theirs), I will help build the coalition to confront the homophobia and transphobia that threatens all of us, from drag queens in our libraries to workers at Boston Children’s Hospital.


Build on the progress of the Cambridge Green New Deal to fight for Green New Deal policies statewide with good union jobs. Massachusetts must lead on reducing emissions, preserving green spaces, and facilitating a just transition with an environmental justice lens.


This is a community centered campaign that needs grassroots support to win. Make a contribution today to help our movement!

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